Senior Exercise
These techniques and the philosophy or this ancient Chinese martial art will be explained in a clear language so that anyone can follow and benefit.
1. Eyes closed finger massage – while standing with feet shoulder width apart, cup each hand and massage the eyelids that are closed. The motion is inward counter-clockwise
2. Back of each hand massages the small of the back by moving each hand inward toward the spine
3. Big toes for 30 seconds, while seated, bounce the big toes off each other.
4. While standing hold onto counter top of a chair or table. Scoop one toes raise other foot and crunch (flex) raised toe or can be done while sitting with feet on ground
5. Sitting or standing…flex big toes on both feet and this action raises heals. For more resistance press down on knees at the same time as you lift both heals.
6. Stay in one position This is the beginning or 1st position of the traditional Yang style tai chi chuan) of the beginning tai chi form to meditate.
7. Then start from the start-up position and move to the 2nd position of the Yang style tai chi form to meditate.
8. After time #6 (above) can flow into the next position (above)
9. More advanced: While sitting bend at the waist, focus on toes and push up to a sitting straight up or even standing position.
10. Brush knee with right-hand for one minute. / Brush knee with left-hand for one minute.Ward off with right-hand for One minute. / Ward-off with left-hand for minute.
11. Playing the guitar with right-hand. / Plying the guitar with left-hand.
12. Sit down half way and stand-up all the way for ten times.